Liked on YouTube: Auroville's dog shelter | Integrated Animal Care Centre - IACC | Auroras Eye Films

Auroville's dog shelter | Integrated Animal Care Centre - IACC | Auroras Eye Films
For donation & more information contact: Mr. Kannan +91 86376 38925 Integrated Animal Care Centre - IACC, Auroville. Integrated Animal Care Centre (IACC) is a dog shelter in 2 acre land in Auroville, in Tamil Nadu, South India. At the moment we have 70+ adult dogs and many many puppies. A large number of our resident dogs are from "puppy dumping" outside our gate or in other parts of Auroville and the bio-region. Every new animal who comes here is treated symptomatically, medicinally and emotionally. Some recover to live with the groups and some live isolated from everything. Many young to adult dogs have been found dumped in far away forested areas, so that they may not find their way back. Many animals have been abandoned at a stage when they needed medical care and showed signs of distress due to health conditions, weather, pregnancy or just when the puppies started growing up and were not cute anymore. We tend to calls to collect or give medicine to such animals in distress which we do with our limited manpower and resources to try to bring as much relief as we can. #Auroville #Animalshelter #AurovilleDogShelter #IACC #Shelter #adopt #dog #puppy #Street #dogshelter #Animal #care #Auroraseyefilms #Auroras #Eye #Films Laid Back Guitars by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Source: Artist:
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