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Aura Stories E1: B ~ Revelation with Veronique
We proudly present to you the very first episode of Aura Stories featuring our beloved core team member, B, and Veronique, an active member of the Network! Sincere thanks to Alessandra Silver for producing this series :)  _______________  My name is B. When I came to Auroville I had another name and I realized to live in Auroville I had to change myself. So what I did was take the “ill” out of Bill. And then I could just be and it made things much simpler.   We had one problem in Auroville. We wanted an ideal society without money, cashless society. I thought we could do it right away. Here we are about 45 years later and we doing it now with this Aura. In the Aura you can make an offering. I offered to do some tree care because I planted 2 million trees with a little help. And I love trees but now we have so many trees we have to cut ‘em down. At least we have to cut away the trees that are not needed, the thorns, and the trees that are interfering with others. That’s what we are doing here.   We’re in Veronique’s house in Realization. See, I would never come over to Veronique’s house normally. But here I can see her house, we have this nice interaction. It is a game. It is light-hearted and it builds community.   How much is an Aura worth? It’s worth all the spirit of Auroville, all the goodwill condensed. It’s a spiritual concept not a material concept. And it is virtual. I don’t want to over-exaggerate it. It’s not going to solve all the problems of Auroville. It’s just one more step. And it’s a inner step you take to trust in the community, in the goodwill that we already have, and all the under-utilized capital. It’s a wonderful, what we call “circular economy’. We’re rich, but many people are still in their old deprived consciousness: poverty, you have to work hard, “we don’t have enough”, scarcity—we have to sweep all that away. Now we’re in 2021. We can. And we have the App.
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