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🆕edible Weed Walk Workshops ☀ Foraging Wild Edible Weeds - Official Audio Blog
#edibleWeedWalkWorkshops #ForagingWildEdibleWeeds Visit the link to learn more about Edible Weed Walk Workshops, or support you can check out: The video is about Edible Weed Walk Workshops valuable information but also try to cover the following subject: -foraging wild edible weeds -identifying edible weeds new to you -beginner guide to edible weeds in the backyard One thing I observed when I was researching info on Edible Weed Walk Workshops was the lack of relevant information. Edible Weed Walk Workshops nevertheless is an subject that I know something about. This video for that reason should be relevant and of interest to you. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Follow our video clips about Edible Weed Walk Workshops as well as various other comparable subjects on Facebook: Instagram: --------------------------- Have I answered all of your concerns about Edible Weed Walk Workshops? People who searched for foraging wild edible weeds also searched for identifying edible weeds new to you. #AudibleWeedWalk #Wherethejourneytrulystarted #episode30 If I call the book a launching pad, the weed-walk was definitely the flight (or bus or walk whatever one can imagine) and the experience the journey. More I did the weed walks, more I connected with people and more I explored different corners of Auroville and wherever I went, and more I researched, and more I learned. This is the best season for weed walks. Exceptionally I am offering one every Saturday morning. If you have the time, join and start your own journey and enrich mine. BE A WEEDER: JOIN NINA FOR "Edible Weeds Exploration w/ The Edible Weeds Coloring Book" When: ALL SATURDAYS UNTIL MARCH 27 Time: 7:30 AM TO 8:30 AM (MAX 9 AM) LOCATION: Auroville, India CONTRIBUTION: DETAILS @ REGISTRATION (max occupancy 10 persons) WHAT TO BRING: YOURSELF AND THE "Edible Weed And Naturally Growing Plants" BOOK, If you do not have we will have a few to share with you at the walk. ALSO, BRING WHAT YOU NEED TO BE COMFORTABLE ON THE WALK. REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Register with Whatsapp/SMS @ +91 8628955394 Audio Blog Chapters: _____________________ 0:00 - Introduction 0:26 - Celebrating Thirty 1:41 - The Beginning Of The Journey 12:50 - Join Our Weed Walks
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