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Art Collaboration Project - Sri Aurobindo Savitri Themed Edition - Opening Talk
#ArtCollaborationProject #SriAurobindoSavitri You can discover more about this years Art Collaboration Project by checking out: ➡ Our video is about the theme of this years Art Collaboration Project but also includes the following subjects: -Auroville Art Camp -sri aurobindo savitri -exploring art a global thematic approach Please take 4 minutes to check out our video and discover how the theme inspired by several passages of Sri Aurobindo Savitri... For more information about this Art Collaboration Project, please see the rest of this video and follow the links to our website. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother assign a highest status to an art which serves as revealer and teacher of a quest for the All-Beautiful. The art camp focuses on the collaboration of Indian national artists with Aurovilians artists, working on a specific theme during one week. One of our intentions is to create a bridge between Aurovilian artists and Indian nationals artists. Art Students are also invited to participate as this is a great platform for exchange and learning. Here are the selected artists: Indian Nationals: BASUKI DASGUPTA (Tumkur, KA) DEBASISH DUTTA (Vadorada, GJ) MADHURI KATHE (Mumbai, MH) NEERAJA DIVATE (New Delhi, DL) PRADEEP AHIRWAR (Bhopal, MP) RAKESH RAY CHOUDBURY (Guhawati, AS) SHRIKKANT KADAM (Pune, MH) UDAY GOSWAMI (Bhopal, MP) Aurovilians: BIRGITTA CLAIRE IONO CRYSTAL HELGARD JYOTI MIKI NATHALIE NELE SHANTA Selected students: India nationals: Jyoti Singh (Sagar, MP) Aurovilians: MILO XIN PENG A catalog with the presentation of the selected artists and their work is available in the link at the top of the description. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STAY TUNED: YouTube ๐Ÿ‘‰ Facebook ๐Ÿ‘‰ Twitter ๐Ÿ‘‰ We hope you were inspired from our "Art Collaboration Project" video. ______________________________ Video Chapters: 0:00 - Auroville Charter 1:37 - Guest Speaker Introduction 2:15 - Deepti 17:15 - Art Emerging From Silence 32:00 - The Traveler 36:12 - Questions 50:20 - Savitri Reading #AurovilleArtCamp #themysticfire #CityofDawn #Indiannationalartists #aurovilleartists
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