Liked on YouTube: The Making of Auroville Citizens Assembly | Auroras Eye Films

The Making of Auroville Citizens Assembly | Auroras Eye Films
Auroville held its first Citizens Assembly in 2020, on the topic of water. This film documents the process and share with you what happened. A citizens' assembly (also known as citizens' jury or citizens' panel or people's jury or policy jury or citizens' initiative review or consensus conference or citizens' convention) is a body formed from citizens or generally people to deliberate on an issue or issues of local or national or international importance.The membership of a citizens' assembly is randomly selected, as in other forms of sortition. It is a mechanism of participatory action research (PAR) that draws on the symbolism, and some of the practices, of a legal trial by jury. The purpose is to employ a cross-section of the public to study the options available to the state on certain questions and to propose answers to these questions through rational and reasoned discussion and the use of various methods of inquiry such as directly questioning experts. In many cases, the state will require these proposals to be accepted by the general public through a referendum before becoming law. The citizens' assembly aims to reinstall trust in the political process by taking direct ownership of decision-making.To that end, citizens' assemblies intend to remedy the "divergence of interests" that arises between elected representatives and the electorate, as well as "a lack in deliberation in legislatures #Auroville #CitizensAssembly #Governance #Auroraseyefilms
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