Liked on YouTube: Nachiketas, Auroville

Nachiketas, Auroville
The story takes place at a time when all of human life was intertwined with the presence and actions of the gods, and the boundaries between the physical plane and the subtler realms were not yet sharply established and, depending on the circumstances, both humans and gods could cross over. This was a time when the greatest men walked on Earth. In India, they were called Rishis, exceptional teachers and knowers. They gave their knowledge a high poetic and symbolic form. The more ancient of these forms are known to us as the Vedas and Upanishads. The story of Nachiketas belongs to this time. It is to be found in the Katha Upanishad. It is about Death and Immortality, about questions and answers to that eternal question, to that eternal search. This offering was performed in Auroville, on 11.12 and 13 March 2021. The sources for the script are: Nachiketas, from the “Value-Oriented Education Series”, Kireet Joshi General Editor; Sri Aurobindo’s translation of the Katha Upanishad from his Kena and other Upanishads; Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri. Participants: Anandamayi, Aravind, Giacomo, Kushmita, Megha, Nidish, Otto, Sheetal, Srimoyi, Vivekan Concept and direction: Aryamani Sound design: Aurelio and Varun Lighting: Jean, Ashwin and other members of the team Costumes: Angela and Carla Voice preparation: Patricia General assistance: Pala For all their support, our sincere thanks go to: SAIIER, Matrimandir, Charu, Bobby, Carlos, Jasmin, Jean Christophe
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