Liked on YouTube: Savitri Bhavan Auroville - An Initiation To Sri Aurobindos Epic Savitri - 360 Tour

Savitri Bhavan Auroville - An Initiation To Sri Aurobindos Epic Savitri - 360 Tour
#SavitriBhavanAuroville #AnInitiationToSriAurobindosEpicSavitri You can learn more about "Savitri Bhavan Auroville" PLEASE check out: πŸ‘‰ This video is a virtual tour presenting the "Savitri Bhavan Auroville" and an explanation of the facility and what it has to offer: -An Initiation To Sri Aurobindos Epic Savitri -Sri Aurobindo Savitri Lectures -Supramental Yoga Since your interested in knowing more about Savitri Bhavan Auroville, or you are far away and you are wanting a memorable virtual experience, we made this 1st video in what will be a series about Savitri Bhavan Auroville, we understand that 360 videos may not be something you are into but there are many advantages to sharing the experience in this format. If your new to Savitri and looking for more info about An Initiation To Sri Aurobindos Epic Savitri or the concept of Auroville, you can follow these links for more information. Savitri : Savitri Bhavan Facilities : Savitri Bhavan Hostel : how does auroville work : Savitri: A Legend and a Symbol is an epic poem in blank verse by Sri Aurobindo, based upon the theology from the Mahabharata. Its central theme revolves around the transcendence of man as the consummation of terrestrial evolution and the emergence of an immortal supramental gnostic race upon earth. Savitri Bhavan Auroville 605101 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Phone:+91(0)4132622922 E-mail : Savitri Bhavan YouTube Channel: ++++++++++++++++++++++ STAY TUNED: YouTube πŸ‘‰ Facebook πŸ‘‰ Twitter πŸ‘‰ _____________________________ Video Chapters: 0:00 - Introduction 0:45 - What Is Savitri Bhavan 1:07 - What Is Savitri 2:33 - How To Support Sharing is caring! Share this video clip on Facebook or any of your favorite social media platforms.
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