Natural Dietary Supplements That Taste Great Together - Spirulina Benefi...

#NaturalDietarySupplementsThatTasteGreatTogether #SpirulinaBenefits to learn more about Natural Dietary Supplements That Taste Great Together  , you need to visit:  

Our video is all about "Natural Dietary Supplements That Taste Great Together"  but we also try to cover the following subjects: 

-Best Super Greens For Gut Health  

-Spirulina Benefits  

-what supplements to take

"Biologically known as Arthrospira Plantensis, this little blue/green algae gets its name from its spiral shape. It contains the most remarkable concentration and combination of nutrients known in any vegetable, grain or herb. It is interesting to know that Spirulina is a low-fat, low-calorie and cholesterol-free nutrient, and contains over 60% of all digestible vegetable proteins. Loaded with unique phytonutrients like phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids, it helps to reduce risks of infection. It also is rich in natural carotenoid and antioxidants that promote health, and chlorophyll, which helps detoxify our bodies of ever-present pollution. It also contains iron, mineral traces, and the rare essential fatty acid."
