Liked on YouTube: Audible Weed Walk – ep.56 “The Science of Art – How to get started as a weeder”

Audible Weed Walk – ep.56 “The Science of Art – How to get started as a weeder”
The Science of Art – How to get started as a weeder : I often get this question, how do I start off as a weeder. In the past my response would have been, get an Edible Weed and Naturally Growing Plant coloring book, color, take the insert out and observe with it on your own, join my weedwalk and get into the groove. The book is now getting reprinted. Hand made paper for it is being sourced right now. Until then, you can do something other than come for weedwalks. You can delve to the science of art. You can teach yourself through art how to take attention and consciousness to the plant, the flower, their delicate texture, or thorny defence. It is a wonderful exercise by itself, one that prepares you to get more from the walk or the book when that comes along. Here in this podcast I give some step by step guidelines on how to ease into scientific drawing.
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