Liked on YouTube: Audible Weed Walk – episode 57 “ Food Diversity or Food Fortification ?” - PODCAST

Audible Weed Walk – episode 57 “ Food Diversity or Food Fortification ?” - PODCAST
Food Diversity or Food Fortification? : In January this year, the FSSAI, which is (Food Safety and Standards Authority in India) had issued draft regulations on mandatory fortification of edible oil and milk with vitamin A and D. It has also proposed to make rice fortification mandatory with vitamin B12, iron, and folic acid starting 2024. What does it mean – these supplements, as opposed to fortification? ASHA Kisan Swaraj, an NGO had a panel of experts for a thorough discussion. According to the experts – “every nutrient is needed from more than one food, and every food should provide more than one nutrient”. Yes, it is food diversification, healthy, and natural food – and a decentralized distribution emphasizing on what is local, here and now – just like the wild weedy greens are the true solutions.
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