Liked on YouTube: Conservation of Rare Trees - Hiding in the Hills Drypetes porteri - Auroville Botanical Gardens

Conservation of Rare Trees - Hiding in the Hills Drypetes porteri - Auroville Botanical Gardens
• Amongst these rocky outcrops, which have provided refuge for human civilizations in the past, we now find a small population of Drypetes porteri hiding out in the hills. • This is a small evergreen tree, which grows in the gullies between the exposed rock, or along the sides of the streams and it is only found in two discrete locations in South India. • Over the past 3 years a team from Auroville Botanical Gardens, has been studying this rare tree and aiming to secure its future through a conservation program supported by BGCI and the Franklin Fondation. Thankfully during this project, the team is able to report that the existing population is larger than previously estimated, raising the number of known mature trees from 250 to 5000. And through the surveys carried out to establish the age distribution, areas of regeneration and number of mature individuals, we know that is not on the brink of extinction. • However, each rare plant has its own eccentricities which can confound attempts to conserve it. Drypetes porteri is no exception as this diecious species has a long wait between seeding years, and the fruit, when it does come is heavily affected by a number of predators, ranging from marauding bands of monkeys, to the larvae of a fruit fly that eats the seeds from within. So, the chances of recruitment and colonization of new areas, are extremely low. • Additionally, this tree is still at risk as the mature wood is harvested by local craftsman to create wooden combs, so as part of the program, an awareness campaign in all of the schools around the base of the hill has been established to explain to the local people the value of conserving biodiversity and the role that they have to play in it. • So as well as making efforts to conserve it in the wild, the project has been establishing ex situ population, where we know that new breeding populations will have the security to establish and ensure that this particular species will survive for the foreseeable future. #trees #Drypetesporteri #aurovillebotanicalgardens #raretrees #auroraseyefilms #auroville #TREECONSERVATION #TREES #savetrees
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