Liked on YouTube: Frederic Martin Duchamp: About Photography and Gender Equity - Part 1.

Frederic Martin Duchamp: About Photography and Gender Equity - Part 1.
#aboutphotographyandgenderequitypart1 #genderequity #photography Frederic Martin Duchamp: About Photography and Gender Equity - Part 1. Photographing is for me a way to communicate with my human environment, social, artistic practices. I find there a space for meditation, concentration, contemplation, empathy, for our planet, the humans who inhabit it, the landscapes, the plants, the minerals that choose me. By their energy, they strike me, subjugate me to the point of organ, this "decisive moment" of the trigger, obtained by this intense presence in the moment, this openness to the gift of the subject or to the soul of the landscape. I like to catch the glances, to catch the laughter, to testify to the nobility of simple and daily human activities. Gender Equity is a photographic exhibition and an ongoing project. Gender Equity is about Women and Men being treated fairly according to their needs, compensating, proportionally, for the historical and social disadvantages Women have been for ever enduring. This project is an invitation to act together in Equal Harmony. I would love to unite different experiences of Gender Equity together. Experiences lived now or in the past, by you or by your lineage. If you'd like to share through writing or recording some of your personal life experiences, we could also meet and, perhaps, some photos will come naturally. You can also send us some references about Gender Equity's projects around you, in different fields: family, work, politics, environment, art... ​ Email: Please visit my website for more info:
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