Liked on YouTube: Tanni Illai - Inteview with Jesse

Tanni Illai - Inteview with Jesse
In this video we offer an excerpt from the interview with Jesse we held last week in our studio. Jesse is the founder of Miraculous Productions who provides free theatre to the community. Their latest play, “Tani Illay! (No Water!)”, performed last month in Cripa, was a huge success and will be performed again on November, 19th & 20th, in Sri Aurobindo Auditorium, Bharat Nivas. Highly recommended by Auroville Radio! Do you want to support this project? Donate to the AV account 251058 ! You can find the full interview here In this interesting interview Jesse talks about his personal and collaborative theater studies and work and describes the incredible work done by Miraculous Productions in Auroville.
via YouTube
