Liked on YouTube: The 5th December 1950: Why Sri Aurobindo left his Body

The 5th December 1950: Why Sri Aurobindo left his Body
What happened exactly on December 5th 1950 ? The fact that on that day Sri Aurobindo left his body is taken by most of those who know this fact as the obvious proof that his whole concept of the Supramental (a term also generally misunderstood anyway) and of a future 'Life Divine' to dawn upon Earth as the next step in its Evolution, was all just that: a mere intellectual concept, however great, in the mind of someone they think was just a brilliant philosopher. I wouldn't be here today publishing these videos if Sri Aurobindo had been only a brilliant philosopher, or a philosopher at all. What has been happening in the Mother's very body-cells from 1956 on, then in some more bodies, including my own since 1978, and now in an increasing number of other human bodies as well, is the result of the ACTION of Sri Aurobindo for a New Step in our Evolution. That ACTION started in Terrestrial Matter itself a New Vibratory Frequency, from what he had called the Supramental World, so supremely powerful that at last could be reawakened in Matter, thanks to that Supramental Energy, the awareness of the Divine Presence everywhere, and of its own secret divinity as well, to be progressively regained. But in 1950, to complete this necessary ACTION he had started doing since 1926, and went on doing in spite of extreme difficulties, as by 1950 it had become a race against time, Sri Aurobindo had to free himself from his physical body in order to work faster from the other dimensions. His physical body was already on its way to its individual transformation, but Sri Aurobindo accepted to sacrifice it so as to secure rather the Victory on the terrestrial scale, which would benefit everybody and the whole of Life on Earth. This has been revealed much later by the Mother herself, who added that when he left his body he invisibly poured for a long time the consciousness that had been accumulated in his body into her own, as she was physically present along with the doctors, standing near his bed and fully aware of this secret but so important transmission. None of the disciples could fathom any of this, but the subsequent article by one of them at least, Amal Kiran, although not including of course those most important revelations Mother told Satprem only much later, still the article by Amal Kiran was satisfactory enough to be approved by the Mother. I put here the link to that article: The Mother herself wrote not only the text engraved on the sides of the Samadhi, but later in several occasions her own comments on the Passing of Sri Aurobindo. Here is the link to the page containing those comments, from the Collected Works of the Mother published by the Ashram for her Birth Centenary in 1978:
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