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The Times Of India - Auroville International Advisory Council Proposes Environmental Audit
#TheTimesOfIndia #AurovilleInternationalAdvisoryCouncilProposesEnvironmentalAudit If you want to verify details about The Times Of India article , you must click: 👉 Our video is about The Times Of India article on Auroville that is in reference to the following subjects: -Auroville International Advisory Council Proposes Environmental Audit -Planning And Architecture Auroville -The Galaxy Concept Of The City Auroville So you would like to know more about The Times Of India, article on AV we did too and here's the outcome. The Times Of India interested us with it's article so we did some technical conversion and created this YouTube video . We know that you are visiting our YouTube video since you wish to discover more concerning The Times Of India, and the article about the IAC. YouTube vids are available in lots of formats and resolutions. Some browsers do not support newer video formats or quality options. This suggests these browsers might only have one or two video formats to pick from. We suggest upgrading your internet browser or running system for the very best watching experience. (PUDUCHERRY, INDIA) by Dominic Bosco The members of the International Advisory Council of the Auroville Foundation, have urged the governing board of the foundation, to conduct a thorough environmental audit by independent experts of current and future plans of the foundation. The appeal came in the wake of protests by a section of residents of Auroville against a road project by the foundation by clearing trees and residential and community buildings as per the master plan envisaged in 1999. "Given recent developments, and Auroville's outstanding work in eco-restoration for decades, which has earned it worldwide respect, a thorough environmental audit, by respected and independent experts, of current and future plans seem an urgent necessity," said the IAC members in a letter addressed to the members of the governing board. They urged the board to utilize the expertise and experience of many experts in AUP3Vi Ile in the planning of the township. "A first step could be to identify common ground, such as any area of the development of the future city that stakeholders and experts will all agree on, and focus on that initially, rather than on contending issues," they said. They called for an actual practice of inclusiveness. "..Differing views and perspectives are unavoidable, yet Auroville's challenge is to bring them together and find ways to harmonise them," they said. Quoting Mirra Al fassa, fondly revered as the Mother and spiritual cd I abaator of revolutionary freedom fighter turned philosopher Sri Aurobindo, they said, ", the manner in which Auroville is built is as important, possibly mat, than the outcome. It's not when Auroville has been completed: it's the nations' collaboration in creating something (that matters) - but creating something founded on the Truth instead of a rivalry in Falsehood's creation. (What matters) is not when Auroville is ready - when Auroville is ready, it will be one city among all other cities and it's only its own capacity of truth that will have power, but that remains to be seen. (September 21,1966). Therefore, it is incumbent on all of us to help towards this 'foundation on the Truth' and trust right now, not in a distant future". They advised all sides to refrain from bringing in external agencies to resolve Auroville's internal issues. "..because it is not only an admission of failure, which will leave deep scars that will divide the community for a long time to come, it will also vitiate the atmosphere that might otherwise still bring about an internal resdution of issues:' they said. ". to resolve disagreements among Aurovilians, we advise not to have recourse to call agencies of the state such as police or courts or to seek warrants, since that is explicitly against Mother's will expressed on several occasions — "No army, no police" in particular," they said. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Follow us on ► Facebook ► Instagram ► Have I responded to all of your concerns about The Times Of India? Individuals who looked for Auroville International Advisory Council Proposes Environmental Audit likewise looked for Planning And Architecture Auroville. Video Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 2:18 - Middle 4:28 - End Canon in D Major by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist:
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