Why The Resistance Against Aurovilles Crown Project Is Justified - Interview Roger Anger


(Reporter) Have you done like the Brazilians in Brasil?

You have built a city that you wanted people to live in?

(Roger Anger) Not at all.

I believe that this is the very basis Auroville's principles.

If people who come

to make this profession of faith are unable to build their own environment,

it would mean that their city is a failure.

It's essential that it is being built at the level of individual experience.

One could say that Auroville is the opposite

of contemporary urbanism. In our urban conceptions.

we make a city on paper,

The conception is as intelligent as it can be.

And then we ask people to live in it.

Here, the process is inverted

people live an experience,

and it is from this experience that their environment is created.

(Reporter) Wouldn't you like to receive money? Funds?

To accelerate this construction?

(Roger Anger) Certainly, such an undertaking can happen

almost only in difficulty. If there is not a maturity of the problems

at the level of the people who live the experience.

It seems difficult to be able to conceive.

that the ambition of Auroville can be total.

And at the level of it's finality, its message.

It has to be almost.

a painful birth

in order for the human infrastructure necessary for this realization, to be formed.

The fact of building men at

the level of completeness, is already such a difficult thing.

that it can not happen with material facilities,.

that we are used to in the West.. 

(Reporter) Auroville, will never be finished?

(Roger Anger) Maybe not, but it is not important.. What is important.

is not to build a city,


 but to build new men.

From there, what are the delays?

How long will it take?

Perhaps the future will tell. I hope soon.

(Reporter) But in other words,

Auroville and new men create each other?

(Roger Anger) It's there without a doubt, it's obvious.

to watch the video: click here

 #aurovillegalaxy #InterviewWithRogerAnger #TheGalaxyConceptOfTheCityAuroville
