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Audible Weed Walk - No Bitters this week for a change - Episode 77
Audible Weed Walk – Ep.77 “No Bitters this week – for a change” No Bitters this week, for a change – discussing sustainable living, eating seasonal, and wild amaranth and other weedy greens : As mercury is rising, yet we are experiencing clouds and thunders – in this podcast I chat with you about climate change, about living sustainably and about eating seasonal and eating greens. While not talking about bitters event though this is the season of eating bitters, I share with you my previous podcasts where you can get the necessary information: In podcasts number 27, 36, 37, 69 : talk about bitters that are eaten in various contexts and reasons – including for the new year (podcast 37) or travel in these times (podcast 69). If you want to get a few recipes – listen to podcasts 24, 42, 73, and 75. But since I am not going to talk about bitters I will talk about the most easily accessible and available wild weedy greens now – the edible Amaraths : Lal saag, Note shaag, Arai, Siru, Thandu keerais in the wild and in the market. I share a recipe that uses local seasonal must eats with Amaranth greens and Gangetic primrose leaves. Do not feel left out if you are not familiar with any. Second edition of the Edible Weed book is off to the printer, will be ready soon, and if you are around try and come to one of the Edible Weed Walks that I offer on Saturdays. Check edibleweed Walk Insta or Facebook or Auroville news and notes/Auronet for that.
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