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The Hindu Newspaper - Whats Going on in Auroville Today
To discover videos about The Hindu Newspaper articles on Auroville and more click: This video is about "The Hindu Newspaper" topic valuable information but we try to cover the subjects: -whats going on in auroville today -Office of Auroville Secretary Taking Over Aurovilles Self Governance Bodies -the hindu editorial You've reached this video clip because you showed interest in The Hindu Newspaper, and their coverage of Auroville, this video clip will certainly cover that as well as : whats going on in auroville today One thing we saw when we were searching for details on "The Hindu Newspaper" was the lack of articles converted into the audio format for the visually impaired.. The Hindu Newspaper however is a topic that we know a lot about and our audio videos for that reason should be relevant and of interest to you. Are you enjoying too many non informative videos with bad audio? Then take a break and browse our playlist tab for a variety of topics and information about Auroville. You can even immerse yourself in some VR 360 videos. By including this video to your "watch later" list, you can easily access it and many other Auroville videos whenever you desireW hether you desire to watch them again, or to watch them for the very first time. To include a video to Watch Later {playlist|list while viewing a video, click the "add" button. _________________________ This audio is from an article in the Hindu online newspaper, for more information on Auroville , it’s charter and the foundations act, follow the links in the description below. Thanks for stopping by and please remember to subscribe on your way out. "The Auroville Working Committee that was elected through a Residents’ Assembly Decision-making vote, has alleged that the Auroville secretariat was circumventing the community mandate, to take over self governance bodies in the universal township. A press note said the situation relating to internal governance in Auroville still remains unresolved. The situation was recently escalated by the Foundation office by making a false criminal complaint against six Aurovilians for an internal administrative matter. Subsequently, more steps have been taken to gain control of the functions of the Residents’ Assembly, which as per the Auroville Foundation Act, is mandated to organize various activities relating to Auroville’, the press note said. After taking over the internal communication and press platforms of Auroville, and refusing to recognize decisions of the Residents’ Assembly, the latest move by the secretariat had been to appoint hand-picked residents to the Working Committee, Funds and Assets Management Committee and Town Development Council. The nomination of members of the TDC and appointment of members to the Working Committee and FAMC is a prerogative of the residents represented by the Residents’ Assembly, the press note said. According to the press note, in past one year, with a spirit of working together, countless attempts have been made to integrate diverse options to arrive at a synthesis on key decisions concerning direction of development in Auroville. However, the office of Secretary has not been able to play a neutral role to integrate the diversity of Auroville and has stood with a rigid view of how things should be." Music: Undercover Vampire Policeman by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Source: Artist: Effects: Soft Color Light Leaks by Motion Array 0:00 - Intro 0:23 - Start 2:15 - End #WhatsGoingoninAurovilleToday #TheHinduNewspaper #aurovillefoundationact #aurovilleresidentsassembly #aurovillenewstoday Related videos: What Is Auroville?: Auroville Foundation Bill: How Auroville Works: --------------------------- Let's keep in touch on Facebook ► Instagram ► That brings us to the end of the description, however if you desire more complimentary "The Hindu Newspaper" pointers about Auroville, visit our website at
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