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Why Hemp Will Save Us - What Is A Hemp Based Economy πŸ€” [Hemplanet]
If you would like to learn about "Why Hemp Will Save Us" , you should check out these items which can transform your health : ▶ Our video is about Why Hemp Will Save Us topic valuable information but we try to cover the following subjects: -What Are The Many Uses Of Hemp -What is a hemp based economy -Why This Plant Could Save The World Please take 20 seconds to take a look at our short video and learn why we are the best choice regarding What is a hemp based economy... Take a deep breath and see the following video :) When using YouTube on your computer, the size of your video gamer will immediately adapt based upon the offered rezolution in your browser window. Building a working model Hemplanet aims to transition the international township of Auroville into a hemp-based economy, where farmers, manufacturers, consumers and the environment all reap the benefits. We want to show how hemp can clothe, feed and shelter us, as well as provide for paper, soap and medicine and so much more, helping us towards a truly self-sustainable future. Exploring Auroville's capacity to flourish Hemplanet was founded in 2014 by Tom and Sasi. Hemplanets' aim is to raise awareness towards the many uses and benefits of the Hemp plant, for our environment, economy and our future. Why is Hemp so useful? Hemp can be grown as a renewable source for raw materials that can be incorporated into thousands of products. As it grows, hemp breathes in CO2, detoxifies the soil, and prevents soil erosion. What's left after harvest breaks down into the soil, providing valuable nutrients. Hemp is used to make a variety of commercial and industrial products, including rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel. Awareness and Education Hemplanet understands the importance of educating people about the misconceptions and stigmatisation surrounding the cannabis plant. We attend events, festivals, fairs and markets where we display raw hemp materials and a selection of hemp-based products in order to illustrate the amazing variety of applications that can be made from just the one plant. People get the chance to touch hempcrete bricks and hemp fabric, smell and taste roasted hemp seeds and hempseed milk as well as feel hemp paper and hemp soap. Hemplanet also produces short educational films. As well as providing information and facts, the films celebrate the wonderful versatility that the hemp plant can offer. Hemplanet Workshops Our workshops are designed to share practical and innovative knowledge about industrial hemp. HEMP FOOD WORKSHOP Learn how to make delicious hemp food and drinks. HEMPCRETE WORKSHOP Learn the basic concepts and main processes of building with hemp. HEMP PAPER WORKSHOP Learn how to prepare hemp fibers, make pulp, form sheets. Auroville Adventure Blog: _________________________ Subscribe to this channel for special videos : I actually hope you found this video helpful, thanks a lot for watching. Thank you for enjoying. Do not forget to visit our other social media platforms and subscribe to our channel. 0:00 - Intro 1:54 - Middle 3:44 - End #WhyThisPlantCouldSaveTheWorld #Whatisahempbasedeconomy #hemplanetauroville #aurovilleindia *video production by FORTY TWO TV
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