Liked on YouTube: Kalabhumi Concert | 29 July 2022

Kalabhumi Concert | 29 July 2022
KGL is back! Last July 29th, two of Auroville's leading bands joined forces to bring a great night of live music for concertgoers. Aurovillians came with their friends and enjoyed delicious vegan pizzas by Vijayan and Karthik, Kalia's famous cakes, and the trendy energizing drinks which got half of Auroville smiling: Kajimbas! The two bands, Dead Alive (composed of Dhani, Amando, Raul, and Edo), and NoizeGate (composed of Sacha, Pierre, Mahatma, Saga, and Gerhard) brought the crowd to life with their amazing covers! Event Coverage and Video by: Alessandra Silver Rathees Rajan
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