Charles Zanon - Sculpting in India | Auroville | Auroras Eye Films
Charles Zanon is a French #sculptor of Venetian origin, born in Burgundy in 1988. Early in his career, he exposes his creations in Paris, in prestigious venues such as the Carousel du Louvre and the Grand Palais. For Charles, #sculpture is the ideal medium to confront, as an #artist , the dimensions of space and time with that of a vaster, immaterial universe. A contrast that is all the more poignant given the material constraints of a volume anchored in matter, an inertia that is evidently atemporal, and the magic that sometimes emanates from the transcended object like a power of realization. The discovery of #india in 2018 will mark a critical turning-point in his life and in his #art Marked by the spiritual power of this land, in 2019 Charles settles in #auroville , a spiritual community in South India, where the majestic black #granite of #TamilNadu – that of its innumerable temples to innumerable gods – becomes his renewed blank slate. And that of his daily practice of karma yoga, which he describes as “a renewal in my spiritual life that transforms my whole being”, that becomes inextricably linked with his artistic process. For, as Charles shares: “Sculpting informs the yogic process of the one who undertakes it, and reveals itself as the message of the one who transcends both its message and its process: the Divine”. Charles Zanon invites us to discover sculpture as the echo of a dialogue between worlds. There is no need for words, the simple vibration of matter reaching beyond the limitations of culture, space and time… for each creation emerges from a research into the underlying infinite. | Whatsapp +33 6 13 34 21 24
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Charles Zanon is a French #sculptor of Venetian origin, born in Burgundy in 1988. Early in his career, he exposes his creations in Paris, in prestigious venues such as the Carousel du Louvre and the Grand Palais. For Charles, #sculpture is the ideal medium to confront, as an #artist , the dimensions of space and time with that of a vaster, immaterial universe. A contrast that is all the more poignant given the material constraints of a volume anchored in matter, an inertia that is evidently atemporal, and the magic that sometimes emanates from the transcended object like a power of realization. The discovery of #india in 2018 will mark a critical turning-point in his life and in his #art Marked by the spiritual power of this land, in 2019 Charles settles in #auroville , a spiritual community in South India, where the majestic black #granite of #TamilNadu – that of its innumerable temples to innumerable gods – becomes his renewed blank slate. And that of his daily practice of karma yoga, which he describes as “a renewal in my spiritual life that transforms my whole being”, that becomes inextricably linked with his artistic process. For, as Charles shares: “Sculpting informs the yogic process of the one who undertakes it, and reveals itself as the message of the one who transcends both its message and its process: the Divine”. Charles Zanon invites us to discover sculpture as the echo of a dialogue between worlds. There is no need for words, the simple vibration of matter reaching beyond the limitations of culture, space and time… for each creation emerges from a research into the underlying infinite. | Whatsapp +33 6 13 34 21 24
via YouTube
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