Liked on YouTube: Monday January 23rd - Saturday January 28th 2023

Monday January 23rd - Saturday January 28th 2023
This week we have been blessed with many volunteers so have been able to get a huge amount of work done. This is a time of year when there is always a lot of harvesting to do as well as things like tying up tomatoes and beans. With more people we’ve been able to do clear up jobs, especially a very weed infested pineapple bed in the Seed Garden as well as lots of weeding on other beds. At last we have started work on refurbishing the cottage which is going to be our new community kitchen as well as education hub for the Garden of Unseen Helpers. Altogether a very busy and satisfying week. You can follow us on Instagram now at 'buddhagardenav' and 'spreadingtheblessings'
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