Liked on YouTube: Last Week in Buddha Garden May 8th - May 13th 2023

Last Week in Buddha Garden May 8th - May 13th 2023
Great excitement this week when work started on the new microgreen kitchen. This will be a dedicated space where we will wash and pack all our microgreens and sprouts. We have waited some time for this but will wait until we start using it to see the best way of setting it up. This week we got the place clean and painted, put up mosquito nets to keep out insects and animals as well as sorting out the area where we will be washing the soil off the microgreens. In the garden we did quite a bit of bed preparation and planting both of seedlings and seeds as well as experimenting with a new way of growing our new Kerala beans. These produce smaller beans and bushier plants than our Australian beans. As its the cashew season we have been busy harvesting cashews as well. Altogether a very productive week.
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