Liked on YouTube: News & Notes unable to publish announcements from the Residents' Assembly Groups

News & Notes unable to publish announcements from the Residents' Assembly Groups
News & Notes is a weekly newsletter created in 1975 by the residents of Auroville for the residents, It contains community announcements, meeting reports, events and general news regarding Auroville. This long standing community newsletter, a platform for diverse viewpoints and community life has recently been censored by the AVFO. 24.12.22 - In December 2022,the community News and Noteseditors received instructions from the AVFO working group to stop publishing articles from the resident-selected working groups under threat of legal action 06.03.23 - In March 2023, The AVI Board wrote to the Secretary asking her to “allow the editors of News & Notes to be inclusive and include the reports of the RA groups as well, as it used to be”. After 3 months of attempted mediation, The AV Council concluded that the News and Notes editors would no longer be able to uphold the News and Notes as an independent newsletter belonging to the residents of Auroville. On 24.03.23 The Council passed a Resolution to remove the News and Notes editors. New editors, committed to preserving the longstanding values of the News and Notes by publishing the diversity of community views without censorship, sent their first edition of the News and Notes, RA Edition, to the Community on April 27th. Freedom of speech and expression allows for a diversity of opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The right to freedom of expression has been recognised as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law by the United Nations.
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