Liked on YouTube: Last Week in Buddha Garden June 11th - June 17th 2023

Last Week in Buddha Garden June 11th - June 17th 2023
Rajan left early on Monday to go to Ladak and for the rest of the week we who have been left behind have been focusing on doing work in the Suryan garden. ‘Suryan’ means ‘sun’ in Tamil and the sun has been very hot as we have been doing it! We weeded, prepared beds for planting and on one day planted the last of the mango ginger. We noticed that quite a few of our pineapples were being eaten so spent one morning picking all the pineapples that were ripe enough to do so. This included a huge fruit which was not only large enough to share in the kitchen but also had lots of small plants growing out of it which we could use for growing pineapples next year. We also spent some time cleaning bean seeds and then clearing a large enough space in the nursery for us to plant eleven trays of them. Hopefully it will rain in the next two weeks before we plant the seedlings.
via YouTube
