
Liked on YouTube: Auroville Bliss forest Youth Center, December 15th 2021

Liked on YouTube: Auroville Bliss forest Youth Center, December 11th 2021

Liked on YouTube: "JOYEUX NOEL " / 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' (English Version of my video)

Liked on YouTube: Udavi School Christmas 2021

Liked on YouTube: Last Week in Buddha Garden December 20th - December 25th 2021

Liked on YouTube: Auroville A Test Run For The Future - The Wire India News

Liked on YouTube: Despite a stay order, Auroville Road Service is working on the trench, December 22nd, 2021

Liked on YouTube: Sorcery At Sea

Liked on YouTube: SVARAM | Shruti Thali - Hanging - Big

Liked on YouTube: Let India Breathe - Auroville Must Remain Free to Continue its Experiments on Sustainability

Liked on YouTube: What Do You Mean By Unity In Diversity - How Auroville Works

Liked on YouTube: The Matrimandir and I - Francis - Auroville - Auroras Eye Films

Liked on YouTube: Residents' Assembly General Meeting, December 22nd, 2021 - Part 3